The Story:
The core narrative begins with the progressive development of humanity’s knowing faculty or consciousness: from sensory consciousness to feeling consciousness to thinking consciousness and, increasingly, to reflective consciousness. The name for our human species is Homo sapiens sapiens. “Sapiens” means knowing, so we are the species that is doubly knowing. We have the capacity to bring conscious reflection to our actions and their consequences and with that knowledge make new choices about our pathway through Life, both individually and collectively.
All of the world’s spiritual traditions as well as psychotherapy are based upon the insight that the first step in awakening and healing is to simply “see what is.” Our healing practice is to become an objective witness or impartial observer of our lives and tell ourselves the truth about our situation. Honest self-reflection and non-judgmental witnessing provide a way to cut through the surface chatter of our lives to reveal the deeper voice of our soul. We then can take soulful responsibility for our lives and relationships as we progressively unfold our capacity for living more consciously.
Within the past few decades, the combined power of television, the internet, and the enhanced seeing capacities of telescopes, microscopes and space probes has produced a stunning revolution in our capacity to observe ourselves as a species. With the global communications revolution, the world is becoming transparent to itself. Humanity is becoming a collective witness to its own journey and the consequences of its collective actions. This opens a whole new possibility for consciously choosing the direction of our own evolution.
The What, Why, and How of Conscious Evolution
Conscious Evolution is a rapidly emerging worldview, embraced by many of the world’s foremost thought leaders and spiritual teachers. It includes all of what we know from human and cosmic history, development, and science as well as what we know from the world’s wisdom traditions. Many people and groups are wrestling with how to describe what Conscious Evolution is. In 2010 and 2011, a group of Evolutionary Leaders engaged in a series of dialogues covering key questions related to Conscious Evolution. The content of those dialogues is reproduced here:
Articles & Reports
- An Introduction to Conscious Evolution: A Theory We Can Thrive With, Lipton, B. H., Spanda VII (1):183-192 (2017)
- Toward a New Consciousness: Values to Sustain Human and Natural Communities, 2007 Yale F&ES Conference (2008)
- Global Consciousness Change: Indicators of an Emerging Paradigm, 1997, Duane Elgin (1997)
- Chris Bache, Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind (2000)
- Carolyn Baker, Sacred Demise: Walking the Spiritual Path of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse (2009)
- Edmund Bourne, Global Shift: How A New Worldview Is Transforming Humanity (2008)
- Kingsley Dennis, New Consciousness for a New World (2011)
- Duane Elgin, Awakening Earth: Exploring the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness (1993)
- Jean Houston, Jump Time: Shaping Your Future in a World of Radical Change (2nd Edition) (2004)
- Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential (1998)
- Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (2005)
- Lewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Awakening in the World: A Global Dimension to Spiritual Practice (2006)
- Don Beck:
- Duane Elgin:
- Jean Houston:
- Barbara Hubbard:
- Ervin Laszlo:
- Bruce Lipton:
- Lynnaea Lumbard:
- Carter Phipps:
- Ocean Robbins:
- Peter Russell:
Evolutionary Leaders at the United Nations
On June 4, 2013, several Evolutionary Leaders offered “TED-style” presentations to the UN diplomatic and NGO community at the Permanent Mission of Nigeria, in a program organized in honor of World Environment Day by the Source of Synergy Foundation and the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values & Global Concerns-NY. The program was entitled “The Great Transition,” expressing the theme of the Evolutionary Leaders retreat exploring Humanity at the Tipping Point: Evolutionary Responses to Global Challenges. Here are those presentations.
Is Consciousness Evolving?
A short video in which scientist, Elisabet Sahtouris, explores the question of whether consciousness is evolving.
The Nature of the ‘Self’
Peter Russell tells how we create an artificial, illsurory, sense of self from what we have or do. Opening to our true nature brings relief and ease.
Is Humanity Waking Up?
In this wide-ranging, half-hour conversation, Peter Russell and Duane Elgin explore whether humanity is waking up to a new level of consciousness? If so, what changes in consciousness are underway? Can we wake up in time?
The ‘Power of Consciousness’
Bruce Lipton speaks about the power of consciousness:
The Mind of the Dolphin
Peter Russell describes his first-hand encounters with Dolphins and their consciousness