The Planetary Birth is the story of the next stage of evolution on planet Earth: the birth of a Universal Humanity. The spiral and the Wheel of Co-creation are symbols of the developmental process of the Living Universe. Humanity is seen as an aspect of that Story, now becoming aware of evolution or evolution becoming self-aware. We are awakening to the fact that we can destroy ourselves by our misuse of power. We are over-growing the womb of Earth and self-centered consciousness. There are now millions of us awakening to the potential of a planetary culture. Earth is giving birth to a co-creative humanity born into a universe of untold dimensions and life. We are living through the precise moment of that shift. The purpose of the planetary birth story is to connect as many of us as possible to celebrate what is working and positive in time to avoid a more violent birth. It is the story of gentling the birth of a universal species.
The following passage is excerpted from “An Evolutionary Synthesis.”
Excerpts from “An Evolutionary Synthesis” by Barbara Marx Hubbard

Wheel of Co-creation
From the vantage point of our birth as a universal humanity, we are not dying; rather we are in a dangerous but natural condition, Just post-birth, not yet awake, yet become aware that if we do not shift our behavior from over-populating, polluting and fighting we will self destruct. We can see that we are naturally hitting a limit to one form of consciousness and of growth in the womb of Earth. We are naturally running out of non-renewable energy. We are naturally beginning to limit our population growth. We are naturally struggling to coordinate ourselves at a planetary scale, to manage a planetary ecology, to get food to all members of our planetary body, to handle our own waste, to stop the extinction of other species, etc.
These “problems” are no more a mistake than a baby’s growth in the womb at the ninth month is a mistake. The very pain caused by these conditions is vital to our birth. Without the pressure of this pain, we would never wake up to our full potential. Our crises are leading to our evolution. They are signs of the next stage of our evolutionary life. They are forcing us towards conscious evolution, or devolution and self-destructionn. It makes a huge difference as to what memetic code we choose to evaluate our current condition.
The metaphor of a birth is revealing here.
A baby will die if it stays in the womb when it is time for it to be born. It is outgrowing the womb. … If a mother did not know about birth, she would think that she is dying. And when she saw the new–born she might be horrified! But since she knows about birth, she understands the meaning of the pain, and she is hormonally programmed to love the unknown child. Her breasts fill and she experiences unconditional love for the infant, naturally. Not because it will grow up to be a lawyer or doctor, but because it IS value, it IS life!
However, since we have never seen another planet go through its crises of a “planetary birth,” many people do believe we are dying or that we are guilty and a failure as a species. When we see our potential for life, we will not fail. But we need a new memetic code to guide us, or as Teilhard de Chardin said, we might fall out of love with our species, losing our attraction for our future.
Opening our collective eyes we discover that we already have the capacity to solve every problem and realize unimaginable new capacities.
In fact, we are already beginning to do so.
Humanity is thus at a crossroads. Either we can come together consciously in collaboration with Earth systems, or we can continue to follow unconscious patterns of conflict and consumption. If we collectively choose conscious collaboration, we will experience the “gentle path,” a positive vision of the future in which humanity understands its purpose and its power, and makes a relatively smooth transition into the next stage of its evolution. If, on the other hand, we remain unconscious, then it’s conceivable that we could experience the “violent path” – a sort of Armageddon, the scenario of violence that currently shapes the spirituality of Western Civilization.
In the Planetary Birth story, humanity opts for the gentle path. Moreover, the Planetary Birth is an event that can occur in our lifetime through the awakening of a critical mass of inspired individuals who make this their shared intention. Hubbard says, “Our capacities as a whole are infinitely greater than when we are separate tribes and nations. Once our consciousness shifts from feeling separate to knowing we are all members of one body, our vast spiritual, social, scientific, and technological genius begins to serve our growth as one planet, in partnership with all Earth life.” In the Planetary Birth experience, we experience the Earth coordinating herself as one body and experience ourselves as “being coordinated by the same process of creation that united atom with atom, and cell with cell.